As the protests rage in this location tonight (Km 0 downtown), I thought to post a photo I took a few years ago in the same spot, of the holiday decoration: sure looks like a bunch of Orbs - freedom of consciousness...
I have mixed feelings about the protests. On one hand I am glad my people will not allow the lies about "crises" to go any further, that they are demanding their rights because I fully believe everyone is entitled to a decent living, "dignity" as they say, and I also know that in reality there is plenty to go around. But at the same time, I am worried that the point is lost in all this, because whenever people got a better living, they never remembered to expand their awareness to include those which they abuse all the time, animals, children... There is always the excuse that it's because of poverty, but money never made anyone listen to their children better. The good thing about this manufactured crisis is that it got everyone to rethink what's really important. I can definitely see a link between decent living conditions, and general outlook (generosity), and I know that once we sort out the meeting of everyone's basic needs, the rest can take off the way some of us dream. Right now, whenever I ask someone why they don't learn more about life, the answer is always because they're too busy with meeting basic survival needs. And I know it is true, because as I find myself hauling grocery bags every week, paying more and more each time for the same food - the weight and reality of gravity are very obvious. But it can become an excuse for anything, especially for avoiding the more serious questions or the more painful emotions. "I'm busy! It's not me, it's life's fault".
I don't think it's life's fault that people don't see the faces of those they trample over. When people imagine their next business venture, they don't consider things in a holistic way, just in a way that will be good for them and their immediate family. Or they are very confused: Why, they ask, if I have worked my butt off all my life, in this state, does the state not pay me back now?
But say, if that family dreams of something more, something like a genuine relationship with nature and animals, where we don't just consume, consume, consume... where people understand more about spirituality and karma, that we all create our reality, not the government... how can we realize those dreams?
As for working all one's life: if you slave away for the Devil imagining that you will one day be happy, why expect fair remuneration? Where can you get that from, if the things you did never helped anybody and just maintained the lies and negativity you were brought up with?
I am told this is too much to think about, that I am going too far - but I think it's merely the basic need which we have to meet. The beginning itself, not a far-off goal.
Right now, there is a cry for genuine democracy. But if this power of the people is layered over negative feelings of disempowerment and the fear for tomorrow, what can we achieve but more of the same? Money has not given me friends to talk to about my dreams, my fears or my artistic and philosophical visions, and I must say, I crave for these basic needs to be met just as I need to eat, drink and be merry.